Beware the Great Reset
The Great Reset is real and is arguably the most sinister threat we now face.
Glenn Beck has written a mesmerising, well-researched book on the global machinations eliminating our basic freedoms. Those who have been following the alarming agenda of the Great Reset – if only by simply visiting the World Economic Forum website – know just what a shocking and dangerous thing this is. Many articles have been written to sound the alarm about it, the WEF and its founder Klaus Schwab.
A fair amount of familiar ground will be rediscovered in Glenn's new book, but it is well worth acquiring. It is easy to read, covers most of the bases and is well-documented, with over 500 footnotes. So, for those who want a good one-volume exposé of this insidious movement, this really is the place to begin. It is among the earliest full-length discussions to appear, although other books on this topic have either just been made available or are soon to be released. And not a moment too soon: this is one of the most sinister and diabolical movements imaginable.
The Great Reset is a proposal that is breathtaking in its scope. Its backers support the altering of nearly every part of society, from the cars we drive to the food we eat to the news reports we listen to or watch on television. Its core foundation has been shaped almost entirely by a small, extremely wealthy and well-connected group of people; one that includes highly-influential business leaders, environmentalists, government officials and bankers. Its goal is both shocking and wildly ambitious: to transform the global economy, eliminate free markets, impose a more easily controllable and malleable economic system and change the way people think about corporations and private property. The reset part of the Great Reset is an allusion to pushing the reset button on global economy.
What Marxists and other haters of the West have not been able to do, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum seem to be effortlessly achieving. The Great Reset really is the culmination of the dream and plans of the globalist elites, and where others have failed this appears to have a good chance of succeeding unless, of course, enough ordinary men and women wake up and fight back. The number of people in high and influential places supporting this – from Prince Charles to the UN secretary-general to the head of the International Monetary Fund to the Pope, to name but a few – is alarming. When you have folks like Bill Gates, George Soros, Al Gore, Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Obamas, John Kerry, the heads of Microsoft, other mega-corporations and tech giants involved, then you know we have a real fight on our hands.
This is ultimately about political and economic power and control – on a global scale. Glenn reminds us that the use of capitalist-sounding language should not fool us. This movement is against free market and ownership of private property, thus the famous phrase by one of its acolytes: “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.”
Because the Great Reset is seeking to transform the entire world and to have ultimate control politically, socially, economically and culturally by bringing every single one of us under its dominion, this really is a totally new and dangerous kind of fascism. The Great Reset will not necessarily require the mass imprisonment of dissenters, nationwide confiscation of businesses or a revolution. It can achieve its authoritarian goals without jackbooted storm troopers or gulags, and it includes just enough elements of favouritism and payouts to global elites to make the system palatable to the world’s wealthiest and most well-connected people. Yes - it is a kind of authoritarian, international, socialistic fascism but it’s not Marx’s socialism or the fascist models embraced by Benito Mussolini and Francisco Franco. This is authoritarianism for our brand-new technology-rich, corrupt era. It is 21st century techno-fascism. Despite all its 'humanitarian' rhetoric, this is not really about helping the poor or saving the planet. It is about making the rich richer and expanding the power of the ruling class: goals that many elites have shared across cultures, historical eras and geographies.
The second chapter in Glenn's book looks at how the Covid crisis became the perfect vehicle to help achieve the aims of Klaus Schwab, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation etc. Indeed, he quotes the same memorable phrase that many others were repeating two years ago at the start of the pandemic: “Never let a crisis go to waste.” Our elites, political class and media most certainly did not waste it! They milked it to the maximum, and the scary Brave New World scenarios we saw unfold – from draconian lockdowns to the massive loss of basic freedoms and human rights – would have pleased our overlords no end. They now know how easily the masses can be coerced and manipulated, just by ramping up the fear factor.
The '1984' tyranny we experienced – all in the name of keeping us safe – proved to be the perfect dry run for what the globalists can and will do, and sadly most folks will not even bat an eyelash. The destruction of the economy during the Covid hysteria was just one casualty. By issuing stay-at-home orders and other wildly authoritarian mandates, governments did not merely harm our economy – they shot it in the head! Governments and big corporations actually did quite well over the past two years, but small businesses were trashed. In the wonderful new 'stakeholder' economy dreamed up by the elites in Davos (Switzerland), big corporations could be easily controlled whereas manipulating tens of millions of small business owners would be much more difficult.
Of course, it must be said that the real reason there are so many corporate and financial industry interests lining up to promote the Great Reset is money and power, the true driving force behind it. And the ongoing push for a cashless society will not only ensure more power and control for the elites, it will make control of the masses even easier – and much more sinister. To have every transaction and movement we make monitored by Big Brother in true Chinese Communist social credit style, this will be totalitarianism on a scale that we have never before seen or experienced.
Rather than experiencing a free-falling economy, many analysts below this is a controlled demolition of national economies in order to bring about the change desired by the World Economic Forum. But is isn’t just Covid that is the vehicle driving their agenda. We're reminded of other 'emergencies' that are being exploited to push for more globalist control over the world. The hype about climate change is just one of the means being used by these elites to panic the masses into giving up their freedoms and way of life. This climate hysteria has been driven to new heights in recent years due to the effects of a death spiral of common sense that works something like this. Elites and their well-funded allies in environmental groups and, in some cases, academia make increasingly absurd predictions about climate collapse, and the news media dutifully reports it as though God handed the predictions down from heaven on stone tablets. However, although an ever-larger group of people (especially children) have started to believe the predictions most thinking adults still reject them, so in an attempt to scare sceptics into believing 'the science' on climate change the doomsday predictions and rhetoric become ever more extreme.
Glenn Beck does not leave us in complete despair. His final chapter offers things that concerned citizens can do and policies that can be pursued to help head off this new totalitarian threat. And he reminds us that the little people – especially when they band together – often can win. The history of many nations has been shaped by ordinary men and women refusing to back down when forced to confront seemingly overwhelming odds.
Above all, we know that God is in control. Though wicked mankind believe they are masters of their own destiny (and that of others) God uses the wise and the wicked to achieve His purposes. Remember, God gave us a glimpse into Bible prophecy not to scare us, but to prepare us. Though we may endure tougher times ahead, this cannot be compared with the unimaginable future we have for eternity in His perfect kingdom.