Dean Dwyer (left)
Dean was born in Toowoomba and raised between homes in Allora and Toowoomba, thereby celebrating all that country life and city life have to offer.
Dean was saved at the age of 16 when a visiting evangelist proclaimed the Gospel to him at school.
He has faithfully served at the Eiser Street Baptist Church for over 20 years and holds the positions of Pastor and President. Dean has a particular interest in studies concerning Israel and Bible Prophecy.
Dean and his wife Ailsa have two children: Ella, 19 and Ethan, 17.
Noel Parsons (right)
Pastor Noel became a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ in 1974. He was then baptisted and became a member of his local Baptist church in Petrie Terrace, Brisbane.
He pursued studies at Petrie Terrace Baptist Church and Lay Institute for Evangelism and through ordained men that brought God into his life, learning about the true grace of God, that there is no place for human works, effort, morality or anything on man's part for salvation or the spiritual life, that God has supplied everything for us and blessed us with every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3). Further, he learned the significance of a consistent, literal interpretation of Scripture and the importance of God's plan for Israel.
He and his wife (Marg), met at the Lay Institute for Evangelism and were married in 1974 before relocating to Allora where he taught Science and Mathematics for nearly 28 years. God has blessed them with one child and two grandchildren.
Pastor Noel was ordained to the ministry at Eiser Street Baptist Church on June 17, 2001.
In addition to preaching and teaching the Word in the Sunday services, Pastor Noel also teaches the adult men's Bible study class on Tuesdays.
Margaret Parsons (right)
Margaret (affectionately known as Marg throughout the fellowship) trusted the Lord as Saviour at the age of 6. At age 12, Marg began teaching Sunday School, instilling in her a lifelong love for children's ministry. Marg was a youth leader for 25 years and enjoyed seeing children and teens learn, grow and work together. Having taught Religious Instruction in schools for many years, Marg has seen the needs of children change over time but it is always precious to her to hear children who are going through difficult times acknowledge that they want to trust the Lord and learn more about Him.
Marg and Noel have been married for 44 years and she has enjoyed serving at Eiser Street Baptist Church for the last 17 years. In her words, "being a support to my husband is a top priority in my life as I continue to serve the Lord."
Marg is always reminding us to praise God for His enabling in challenging circumstances. We fight the good fight of faith, but we don't fight it alone. Our Great God is always with us.