COVID is not the only public health crisis
At present, we are being told we face a public health issue. That issue, according to epidemiologists, scientists, doctors and politicians is COVID-19. That may be the case. But there is another public health issue that is growing and it is not being addressed anywhere near as much as it should be. In 2015, Cordelia Anderson (an advocate for missing and exploited children) said, “When the increased access and excessive use of pornography is linked to problematic behaviours, this trend then becomes a public health issue.”
At present, the average age of exposure to pornography is just 11-years-old. Studies tell us that excessive use of pornography is harmful to sexual function and development for males and females of any age. A child or teen’s exposure to violent or excessive pornography can change a child’s brain, social interactions and emotional skills well into their 20’s. But this isn’t just about protecting kids, this is about protecting women. A 2010 study of 50 of the most popular adult videos found that 88% contained scenes of physical aggression toward women with the primary target being women and the primary perpetrator being men. How on earth can anyone argue that pornography contributes to a healthy society?
According to their own website, UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation working to protect and improve the lives of every child in over 190 countries. Sounds like a noble and worthy cause. Well, UNICEF recently put out a report called “Digital Age Assurance Tools and Children’s Rights Across the Globe”. Part of the report focuses on recent efforts by various countries to introduce age verification tools to online adult video sites in order to block children from accessing pornography. Australia is also investigating the idea, but progress is slow.
In the report, they reference the 2020 EU Kids Online study which compared survey findings from 19 European countries and found that in most countries, most children who saw sexual images online were neither upset nor happy (ranging from 27 per cent in Switzerland to 72 per cent in Lithuania); between 10 per cent and 4 per cent were fairly or very upset; and between 3 per cent of children (in Estonia) and 39 per cent (in Spain) reported feeling happy after seeing such images.
At a time when Governments and businesses are flirting with the idea of mandatory COVID vaccinations, which is fundamentally opposed to the human right of the rejection of medical experimentation and treatment, UNICEF all of a sudden seems to be intent on preserving the human right of children to still view pornography. They state: “Discussions around the application of age assurance tools are also closely intertwined with industry’s responsibility to respect human rights, as outlined in the United Nations Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights. The Children’s Rights and Business Principles call on businesses to ‘meet their responsibility to respect children’s rights and to commit to supporting the human rights of children.’”
So, let’s get this straight – many are advocating for mandatory vaccinations of some unknown and untested drug but UNICEF, who is in the business of supposedly protecting children from harm, wants to “preserve” their human rights by allowing them to view pornography which is scientifically proven to damage their brain and stunt their emotional growth. Unbelievable.
Sexual immorality has always been wielded as a weapon to weaken a nation’s men. If strong societies are built upon strong families, then anything that attempts to undermine the family unit threatens to compromise society and subsequently weaken the nation from within. That is why we must first advocate for the spiritual head of the house to protect his family by doing all things necessary to ensure his household does not fall prey to pornography.