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Writer's pictureDean Dwyer

Graphene - friend or foe?

Have you heard of graphene oxide? Many haven’t. After all, it is a nanomaterial and therefore cannot be seen with the naked eye. But there is a product you have seen many times now over the past 18 months which may contain graphene oxide – face masks. And it is this chemical substance which now has people concerned.

But first – the technical details. Graphene was first isolated in 2004 and has remarkable properties. In fact:-

· It is the thinnest compound known to man, at one atom thick (for scale, that means it is one million times thinner than a human hair);

· It is the lightest material known to man;

· It is the strongest compound ever discovered (it is in fact stronger than steel and diamond);

· It is the best conductor of heat at room temperature;

· It is the best-known conductor of electricity.

In fact, graphene is thought to contain almost limitless applications. In fact, the material even has the ability to kill bacteria and viruses when they are exposed to it (hence the interest in it when it comes to COVID-19). But are there dangers with graphene? It appears so. According to recent reports, face masks which contain nanoform graphene can cause serious lung problems. In fact, on 2 April 2021, Health Canada issued an advisory warning people not to “use face masks labelled to contain graphene or biomass graphene.” But why?

Researchers have been aware of the potential dangers of graphene for a number of years. However, it was always assumed the risk was negligible due to the fact that the natural defenses of your lungs would dispel the material. However, due to the fact that graphene is hexagonal in shape, there is some evidence that the jagged edges of some graphene particles can harm cells, leading to local damage as the body responds to any damage the material causes. One author stated as follows: The long and short of this is that, while there are still plenty of gaps in our knowledge around how much graphene it’s safe to inhale, inhaling small graphene particles probably isn’t a great idea unless there’s been comprehensive testing to show otherwise. Concerningly, if somebody was to breathe in graphene particles, there is no likely natural or medical mechanism for the removal or breakdown of such particles – similar to the problems caused by asbestos fibres and coal dust. Therefore, if you must wear a mask, do your research to be sure that it is free from graphene.

Now, further to the potential for pulmonary toxicity is the unusual claim that graphene may also be used to combat anxiety. For information on this, we turn to the website Graphene Flagship who, incidentally, have an upcoming conference entitled Graphene Week 2021 running from 20 to 24 September 2021. Researchers have discovered that graphene oxide inhibits anxiety-related behaviours and that injecting graphene oxide into a specific region of the brain silences the neurons responsible for anxious behaviour.

In an experiment involving a mouse and a cat, researchers (not surprisingly) found that when the mouse sensed a cat was close, it ran back to the safety of its “hole in the wall”. However, two days after injecting graphene oxide into a specific region of the mouse’s brain, it behaved as if it had never experienced the threat of a cat. In other words, graphene oxide inhibited the mouse’s anxiety-related behaviour.

Apparently, the graphene oxide interacts with the part of the brain responsible for the formation of fear-related memories which cause anxiety. It doesn’t work like a drug, by inhibiting the function of the receptors – instead, it temporarily halts the entire mechanism long enough to disrupt the brain’s fear-related pathology.

Now, here is the interesting part (if it wasn’t already interesting). How long did it take for the graphene oxide to affect the mouse and “soothe its anxiety”? Two days. In April 2020 (not long after the start of this “pandemic”) a Chinese company developed a new type of graphene face mask with “stronger antibacterial properties and better breathability, which can be used over 48 hours”. How interesting – that 48 hours is how long it takes for the graphene oxide to change your fear stimulus and that face masks containing graphene oxide made in the same nation in which the “pandemic” began would be developed to cover that exact same time period. Coincidence? Maybe, but unlikely. I think these people know exactly what they are doing. They are using all means possible to put people into a stupor so they can be controlled and the use of face masks may be affecting the ability of people to think rationally.

The final word, as always, should go to the Word. Please take note of Revelation 18:23 in the context of all that is happening at the moment: The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived. In this passage, “sorcery” is the Greek word “pharmakeia”. And I am sure you can guess what English word came out of that, can’t you? That’s right, it is the word we translate as “pharmacy”. Specifically, when the administering of drugs is used in conjunction with the seductions of idolatry, as will be the case of the worship of the Antichrist in the Tribulation Period.

Friend, the hour is drawing near and the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. Jesus, our Blessed Redeemer, is coming soon. Are you prepared to meet Him in the air?

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