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Heavy-handed COVID treatment continues

Well, here in Australia the Covid dictators are still unwilling to let go of all the power they demanded in order to to "keep us safe".. Our Orwellian overlords have done extremely well in keeping the masses under their thumb by hyping up fear, panic and paranoia over a respiratory virus. More than two years of lockdown hell – especially in Melbourne – has taken its toll. Relationship breakdowns, suicides, drug and alcohol abuse, business collapse and so on have been the result. Nobody wants to go through all that again: we are totally fed up with the Big State doing its best to emulate Big Brother. Thankfully it is more or less over – or so it seems. But just as a rapacious carnivore wants ever more after having acquired a taste for blood, so too our state leaders have loved the power and control they so easily were able to obtain over the past few years. They do not want to give it up. Indeed, they want more! A whole new era has been ushered in, and it is not just the politicians who love it. Folks like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab and George Soros, to name but a few, have been rubbing their hands with glee as they see their New World Order coming to fruition so well. For them, it has been a dream run. They are facing virtually no opposition and therefore feel this is their time to roll out their cherished agenda. Even the church at large has been silent, much to the dismay of remnant believers who see great danger ahead if the globalists get their way.

Here in Australia our power-hungry premiers are still intoxicated by their new-found powers. They not only want to stay in complete control over the masses but they want to punish any and all recalcitrant citizens who have dared to not bow down and worship them and their draconian edicts. Consider the following two recent examples.

Despite removing the vaccination mandate, the Queensland Education Department decided to dock the pay of 900 school staff who did not receive the Covid vaccine, saying that ignoring the mandate put others at risk. Staff members – including teachers, teacher aides, school officers, administration staff and cleaners – will have a "small-scale temporary reduction of one increment of pay" for 18 weeks. That equals approximately $25-$90 per week gross, depending on the level of one's wage. The letter stated that the action was "entirely appropriate" for the severity of the matter and hoped staff would follow future directions. This is dictatorship in action: You will be punished for refusing to obey our orders. You will be made an example. You will suffer for this. As if they have not suffered already. Thankfully there has been some resistance.

Teachers Professional Association of Queensland secretary Tracy Tully said impacted teachers had been informed earlier this year that they would face disciplinary action for not complying. While the teachers were on suspended leave without pay they received a letter saying that they (the TPAQ) were advising that there would be some disciplinary action, but at the time they weren’t sure what it would be. By doing that, it actually put people into a high state of alert and fear. However, Ms Tully also said that the teachers had already been penalised financially, adding that some would appeal the decision with the Industrial Relations Commission.

Professor Julie Leask – a University of Sydney social scientist specialising in vaccines – said the reduced pay policy was from a time when high vaccination coverage was crucial to reduce transmission (note: recent evidence now calls into question the accuracy of the claims that the vaccines were effective in reducing transmission) but was now outdated and unlikely to achieve what these policies should be trying to achieve, which is either to encourage vaccination or to ensure that others are protected from transmission. She highlighted the fact that these policies only alienate and create mistrust, appearing to be more anger-based than evidence-based.

But another state is also getting in on the persecution, making life even more difficult for all the rebellious lepers there. As one news item reports: “Western Australia Police say more than 50 officers are facing disciplinary action over their refusal to be vaccinated against Covid-19, as a legal challenge against the state’s vaccine mandates by one of their own was comprehensively rejected by Supreme Court judge. Ben Falconer has spent almost nine months fighting against the mandates issued by the State's Police to all its workers late last year, a battle that took so long that the mandates were lifted in the meantime.”

That battle was lost on three fronts when Justice Jeremy Allanson methodically dismantled arguments pertaining to irrationality, proportionality and bodily integrity by stating: “It was not, in the words of counsel for the applicant, a maelstrom in a petri dish. The measures that were taken are undoubtedly extraordinary, but that does not establish that they lacked rationality so as, for that reason, to be beyond power.” More state government thuggery in action supported by left-leaning judges! Now that Ben Falconer has lost his case they want to punish everyone who didn’t agree to be force-vaccinated. To ever mandate a vaccine – let alone a total blunder that doesn’t prevent transmission – is disgraceful. But to still go after them at this stage, when mandates around the world are starting to be lifted, is absolutely shameful, unwarranted and unnecessary.

All dictators thrive on fear, intimidation and bullying. These Labor Party premiers – and others like them – have become experts in this. It is hoped that ordinary citizens will let them know how they feel about it – certainly at the ballot box come the next election. As George Orwell wrote: “All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.”

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