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Writer's pictureDean Dwyer

The Surveillance State of the Unholy Trinity

Although we celebrate the fact we live in a democracy, people mistakenly think that the principle of democracy alone guarantees their freedom. In fact, democracy is a double-edged sword. Historically (at least in Australia) it has wielded liberty. But it can just as easily wield tyranny, particularly in the wrong hands. Thomas Paine once said: The greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes. But I like this quote of C S Lewis because if we examine our relationship to leaders after enduring three years of their intense concern for us, they will forever maintain that what they did was in our best interests. The quote is as follows: Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

This world has seen tyrants come and go. But the worst of all is yet to come. The church-age believer will never get to meet this man and gladly so. He appears on the scene after the Bride of Christ is taken home to be with Him. Revelation 6:1-2: Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. To a world reeling from the chaos of the rapture, this man will appear to be a hero. His arrival on the scene and his subsequent conquering of the world is not through war, but through peace. This man will initially appear to be the man that the world needs to lead them through the greatest crisis they have ever faced. As one commentator stated: Great men of history, famous and infamous, are products of their times. And though we cannot exclude the sovereignty of God, it is easy to see why success or failure is sometimes born of ripe times and circumstances. The Antichrist himself will be a product of his time. A figure so sensational could come only out of sensational times. A world crisis will produce the Antichrist.

The Antichrist will be the second member of the unholy trinity. The third member – a sinister minister – is simply known as the False Prophet. As one commentator accurately explained: The devil is making his last and greatest effort, a furious effort, to gain power and establish his kingdom upon the earth. He knows nothing better than to imitate God. Since God has succeeded by means of an incarnation and then by means of the work of the Holy Spirit, the devil will work by means of an incarnation in Antichrist and by the unholy spirit. In fact, a side-by-side comparison shows how Satan’s counterfeit closely resembles the work of the Holy Spirit: the Holy Spirit points men to Christ but the False Prophet points men to the Antichrist; the Holy Spirit is an instrument of divine revelation but the False Prophet is an instrument of satanic revelation; the Holy Spirit seals believers to God but the False Prophet marks unbelievers with the number of the Antichrist; the Holy Spirit builds the body of Christ but the False Prophet builds the empire of the Antichrist and finally, the Holy Spirit enlightens men with the truth but the False Prophet deceives men through falsehood.

Although many of the specific details of prophecy are not revealed to us, the discerning prophecy student is clearly able to see that the unholy trinity is going to need a sophisticated surveillance system behind them in order to control the population of the world and the building blocks of that total surveillance system are forming right before our eyes.

There are very few people that know that the foundational principle of surveillance began in the late 1700’s with the design of a new type of prison by a man named Jeremy Bentham. To many, Bentham was an innocent philosopher. But in reality, his writings give light to his real motive: the control of people through an established hierarchy. In 1791, Bentham published his design for the “Panopticon” prison. You see, around that time, crimes were dealt with in one of four ways. The harshest punishment was death. In fact, there were around 200 offenses (including something as minor as pickpocketing) that led to a death sentence. You could also be punished by being sent to prison, sent off to war or, as we well know, the other option was to be sent here – to a penal colony in Australia. There were few prisons in England at the time and they were mainly debtor prisons. Therefore, those who were committed to a prison sentence served their time in atrocious and overcrowded rooms. Even though some may have preferred prison to execution, war or exile, to Bentham those early prisons were not an acceptable alternative. Not only were the conditions horrible, but the rooms were also very dark and the guards were merciless and cruel.

Central to Bentham’s ideas was the power of light. Rather than the constant threat of physical punishment, he believed flooding the prison with light would help keep order. So, in this way, he would substitute control through brutality with control through surveillance by bringing to light that which was hidden by the darkness. Now, if you can’t picture the Panopticon, it was a circular structure with prison cells on the outer rim of the circle and a guard tower located in the centre. It was the concept of the guard tower itself which really forms the basis of the modern surveillance society. In his design, Bentham envisioned a central guard tower with venetian blinds on the windows, which would keep the prisoners from seeing any activity inside. Fundamentally, they had no idea if anybody was in the guard tower or not. But the point was that it would keep the inmates in a constant fear of being watched. And because of its circular shape, one guard could watch the entire prison, rather than employing dozens to monitor traditional prison halls. The outcome of this is plain to see, as one person wrote: Hence the major effect of the Panopticon: to induce in the inmate a state of conscious and permanent visibility that assures the automatic functioning of power. In other words, whether or not that power was present (in the form of a stationed guard) the mere presence of the infrastructure available to keep a constant watch over the inmates was enough to ensure the behaviour of the inmates was radically altered.

The same goal exists when it comes to you today. In reality, Bentham’s design had limitations – in the early days, the guard could only see into the cell by virtue of the small window area of the cell doors. Therefore, he was not able to see all of the activity going on inside. So, although revolutionary in scale, the Panopticon failed to provide a total surveillance reality. But what is being planned for this world will ensure that all of society will be monitored and controlled. Everything you try to hide from the watchers, they want to drag out into the light.

Today, we are more likely to encounter the Panopticon effect through advanced technology. And just like the guard in the central watchtower that could see all of the inmates but they couldn’t see him, the current monitoring and collection of data is a one-way street. Governments, intelligence agencies and even large corporations like Google and Amazon collect data about you, but you are not afforded the same liberty in seeing exactly what they see. So, society is now divided into two groups – the watchers (who are invisible, unknown and unaccountable) and the watched (people like you and me). As one writer accurately explained about the watched: “He is seen, but he does not see; he is an object of information, never a subject in communication.” In other words – you are an object of power but not an agent of power. You see, the Panopticon was not simply designed so that inmates could be watched. The Panopticon was designed so that the inmates’ behaviour could be manipulated. It aimed, theoretically at least, to produce reform through the regulation of self. In short, it had a corrective purpose – behaviour needed to be modified and surveillance was going to achieve it. Klaus Schwab wrote a book called “The Great Narrative” (which is actually the sequel to the oft-quoted “The Great Reset”) in which he said this: “Narratives shape our perceptions, which in turn form our realities and end up influencing our choices and actions.” But it is becoming clearer and clearer that the only great thing that Schwab and Co are leading the world into is not The Great Reset or The Great Narrative but The Great Tribulation.

The globalists are building a new Panopticon prison – but this time it will be in digital form: vaccine passports; artificial intelligence; central bank digital currency; “smart” appliances; surveillance cameras; implantable technology; digital ID. These measures, although claimed to improve your life, are actually the building blocks of a digital Panopticon prison which is almost complete. All just in time for the unholy trinity to be the cruelest “prison guards” the world has ever seen.

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