King George III and William Gates III - a cautionary tale...
Though much is learned from history, it seems that those with an authoritarian bent learn the most – not for the better, but for the...
King George III and William Gates III - a cautionary tale...
A dark winter indeed
Born or pre-born, it's still murder
Terrorism takes more lives
In Step with Lockstep?
Judging Amy
Vaccines - your body, your choice
Africa. Still in the grip of the whitecoats.
Boogaloo or boogeymen?
Should Christians be patriots?
Accelerationists put the brakes on unity.
Why Christians should not support Antifa
The Abraham Accord
Lebanon needs your prayers
God's Kingdom is far better than man's kingdom
Footsteps of the Messiah
The Great Reset
Free money? Where do I sign!
Communism or Christ - what would your choice be?
Wake up the mighty men...prepare for war!